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【#活動推薦|#TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day】

【#生醫新創#TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day】 20團隊、多元主題,看見醫療新創更多未來可能性🏥🚀 🎉 首次醫院聯合Demo Day,讓眾多優秀新創團隊齊聚一堂,將一次看到橫跨AI、3D printing、Minimally invasive devices、wearables、internet of medical things等醫療領域內的多元主題,對生醫新創感興趣的你,一定不能錯過❗️ 本屆PoC團隊在加速器期間,已有8隊成功展開與醫院方 #臨床導入 的合作討論,且有9成新創團隊 獲得與專科醫師或相關領域專家媒合的機會。 商業方面也有卓越成績,5成團隊獲得與該領域主管單位直接鏈結諮詢的機會、在商業導入獲得更多的輔導與經驗傳授,所有學研團隊也都獲得了相應的專業協助,讓他們可以順利進入下一階段。 立即索取Demo Day入場票券,跟上生醫新創的最新趨勢 👉🏻【報名連結】 At TMU x BE x SCHS Demo Day, You will experience innovations from 20 startups, witnessing the diverse ways these professionals are shaping the future of healthcare. 🏥🚀 The first-ever collaboration Demo Day with hospitals will feature medical technologies in AI, 3D printing, minimally invasive devices, wearables, internet of medical things and more. Don’t miss the demo day if you’re interest in biotech, healthcare, or startups❗️ Through the PoC program, eight startups have successfully initiated collaborative discussions with hospitals for clinical implementation. Additionally, approximately 90% of the startups attending Demo Day have had the opportunity to be matched with specialist physicians or experts in relevant fields. 50% of the companies presenting at Demo Day have obtained direct consultations with regulatory authorities, gaining valuable guidance for commercial implementation. All academic-research teams have also received the relevant professional assistance required to smoothly progress to the next stage of company growth. Register for your Demo Day ticket now 👉🏻 #TMU #TMUBioMedAccelerator #北醫生醫加速器 #秀傳醫療體系 #比翼

---- 訂閱 #TMU BioMed Accelerator『Newsletter』 ,我們將提供國內外 #智慧醫療 #創新 #創業 #產業 第一手資訊 生醫創新趨勢相關資訊 重要生醫新創產業新知 主題性之生醫創業議題


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